17 February 2009

U.S. Government Degree Online Networking Site For The Intelligence

Progress in the world of Information Technology Communications of the present seemingly opens the gate of that, even if the activity seems to always completely in line with the secret operations: the spying. Surely no-dinyana expect at all that was on-line activities for the Internet social networking or Pertemanan that is now very popular --- such as Facebook or MySpace --- appeared to be activities that also arouse the intelligence and secret agent for the active menggelutinya.

Many people and among the startled observers TIK wonder when passing through a bureau yl spying MI-6 British government end Sep yl recruitment advertising in the pages of social networking sites during this global: Facebook. Ad quote for Operational Officer job position is presumably pitched asked: Arrival time to change career direction ... ff, for the state to protect the UK: "Time for a career change? MI6 can use your skills. Join us as an operational officer collecting and analysing global intelligence to protect the UK. " To emphasize the seriousness ad followed by a publication petinggi British MI-6 who affirm that the institution SIS - Secret Intelligence Service is central to open opportunities for talented young people in the UK to join together in the secret agent. And not only that because the moment is almost at the same time also appeared to show a statement from one of the leaders of NSA - National Security Agency of the U.S. suggests that the U.S. secret agency --- the CIA & FBI and fruit, especially children in 16 institutions of government security manager national --- to the field of active menggeluti social networking activities on-line model of Facebook specifically designed by the U.S. Government, which was then tested since the end of September yl namely "A-Space".
In the "A-Space" of the security agents and American secret agent is expected to actively participate in the withdrawal list audience in the U.S. do-do the FaceBook and drowned in the absorption Pertemanan networking on-line; ranging from intimate to share the message: Cur-hat, the friend one old alumni school / university, photo sharing, video-sharing, etc.. As outlined Assistant Deputy Director of NSA Michael Wertheimer, in correlation to the secret agent such as a user can post a video publication Al-Qaeda and to each other & discuss terrorism analysis in regard to action to review and model "P-2-P": peer-to-peer . Of course, membership sites are closed and very likely also monitored by her strict moderator. Project "A-Space" is running the initiative of the ODNI: Office of the Director of National Intelligence with the goal to be a collaborative event of cooperation between the 18 U.S. Government agencies under the coordination USIC: United States Intelligence Community, and the plan will be officially launched the official minutes December 2008.

The public is not careless to become a member to enter the "A-Space" of course can only be enough to concoct the active profile and networking among the members of the U.S. intelligence agencies are. The observers had commented that TIK is interesting to read the content of the site and the expected growth of more cargo is a series of "digital journal" through the Internet media on-line. Meanwhile, some technology experts TIK site holds the existence of U.S. intelligence activities in the quiet will be a challenge of exceptional interest for the global heavyweight hackers to try to sneak through caginess and make random site. With the effect that of course will be so terrible in the name of the hacker pembobol "A-Space" when the shock actually occurs.

Hence, the future does not need to sesosok FBI Agent Cooper in the film as a mystery serie Twin Peaks to always be busy mengantongi device audio recorder sound recorder and record each step made in the investigation reveal the murder mystery series Twin Peaks in the location, and then to report bertelepon Center scheduled to FBI offices in Washington DC. Agent Cooper model of the future act is quite a sophisticated device with a multimedia mobile phone to stay in the log-in and blog: "digital journal" with all the loads of features multi-media to report the investigation results to the "A-Space".

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